Thursday, November 20, 2008

List of Things To Do

Friday Night: 4:00PM-12:00AM
- crash on finishing everything, wouldn't have enough time to do anything due to work schedule.

This Weekend
- Work + Transportation (min: 26 used)
- Plant Evolution & Diversity Problem Set
- Journal Club Presentation Slides
- Adopt A Family Paper
- Research on topic
- Thesis Editing
Sunday 8:00PM meet up with Group

Monday11/24: Senior Photo
- DUE: Plant Evolution & Diversity Problem Set
- Journal Club Presentation

Tuesday 11/25
- DUE: Adopt a Family Orchidaceae Study Guidelines
- DUE: Lab Introduction + Methods

Wednesday 11/26
- DUE: 6:00pM: Peer Draft Review

Thanksgving Break:
- Posting on Courseworks about the Trip to Vancourtland Park
- Study for Animal Physiology
- Research on Topic
- Edit Thesis
- Study for Angiosperm Quiz 20 Species
- Problem Set for Animal Physiology
- Read readings for Music of India
- Listen to recordings
- Presentation of Paper Oral + research

Monday 12/01
- DUE: Problem Set for Animal Physiology

Tuesday 12/02
- Angiosperm Quiz 20 species

Wednesday 12/03
- Presentation on Paper Oral

Monday 12/08
- DUE: Research Paper
- DUE: Paper on Plant
- FINAL for Music of India

Thursday 12/11
- DUE: Thesis Paper

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